Little news to tell you that OneGum participated in the Keynote of Madness . Once again, we distributed and gave away our great chewing gums. We also met some of our "followers" who are used to coming to our online store.
I'm sure some of you don't know about Maddyness. It is an online information site that gives all the news on the world of start-ups in France. It is one of the references in the industry because you can follow the various fundraisers and new ideas that are launched on the market. By the way, there was recently an article about SmartFood in which OneGum was mentioned (the article “How will we eat tomorrow?” is here ! ).
I did not have time to attend one of the Keynote conferences but here are the ones that would have interested me:
– “Food in 2032”: I really wonder what vision of the food of the “future” was given in this conference. The emphasis was probably placed on new consumer habits in terms of purchasing methods and sought-after products. OneGum is right in the middle of food. So it's always good to keep up to date with upcoming trends.
– “Learning to learn”: This is a subject that we like at OneGum. With the web, an incalculable number of tutorials and MOOCs are made available to as many people as possible. Acquiring new skills has never been so accessible. It is therefore clearly a hot topic that concerns us all. It's a shame to have missed this conference.
We are therefore very happy to have participated in this event and to provide energy to all those present ;). We want to continue next year.
FYI: From time to time, a small article will be written by a member of the OneGum team in a slightly more personal tone like this. Do not hesitate to tell us if your impressions on this format and continue to follow us on social networks.
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